I am an Assistant Professor of Communication Technology in the School of Communication at The Ohio State University where I direct Chronos Laboratory. I received my Ph.D. in Mass Communication at Indiana University where I was affiliated with the Institute for Communication Research.

My research broadly concerns emotion in video games and how these virtual environments convey social information that influences emotion, cognition, and behavior.

My published work appears in the Journal of Communication, Communication Research, Computers in Human Behavior, Communication Monographs, Information Communication and Society, and the Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media. I have shared my research at domestic and international conference events for the International Communication Association, National Communication Association, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, and the Broadcast Education Association.

I have taught courses on electronic media advertising, gender in media, and communication technology. I served as the 2016 Committee Chair for the ICA Game Studies Division preconference in Tokyo, Japan and have filled a variety of service roles since 2011 at the departmental, university, discipline, and community levels.

I enjoy most things outdoorsy, travel, and playing video games. I am a citizen of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (Mnikȟówožu Lakota) and am learning the Lakota language to reclaim and preserve this for my family. I’m also a percussionist and graphic designer when I have a chance to wear other hats.